Do miracles still happen?

As you read through the pages of a 2000 year old book known as The Bible, you are confronted with impossible stories. Whether reading about the sun not setting for 24 hours, water coming out of a rock or about a man who was dead for three days and came […]

A Double Portion

In Part 1 of y2k, we looked at the life of a prophet, Elisha, who prayed a really bold prayer. Bold prayers prepare the way to experience big miracles from God. There are times when God wants to do something big in our lives. There are times when God wants […]

Average Finances

This past week our Average series concluded with a message about how to have average finances. It is so easy to have average finances. Staying right in the middle keeps us from any guilt about having too much or too little. To make it even easier, Pastor Tim shared 3 […]

Maybe He is not who you think He is

At the epicenter of the Christian faith is this one radical idea: You can know GOD personally through a relationship with Jesus. This one concept is what separates Christianity from every other religion in our world. It’s what differentiates Christianity as a faith rather than a religion. It’s based on […]